Friday, June 29, 2012

The Mermaid Goes To Mexico


That was just a little sample for you of my three years of high school Spanish classes that really did come in handy when I was on my trip. I can tell you that was the first time it hit me that I was using something I learned in school in real life! I had such a great time talking with the families and mostly the children that I met down there. I just thought that I'd do a post on my trip to Mexico since a bunch of you were probably wondering WHAT DA HECK I was actually doing.
& I really really REALLY love Sadie. :)  <<<<< That right there is my sweet friend Sadie who I sometimes like to call Sugar playing on my lap top while I'm deep cleaning my room. I thought I'd keep that there.

Last fall during my junior year I was asked to go to this leadership conference sponsored by the Rotary Club called RYLA. They choose a junior from each school to go and it's just a couple of days up in Heber listening to motivational speakers, doing activties, and learning about opportunities to go on humanitarian trips and foreign exchanges. It doesn't sound like much but oh, it was. I've been to EFYs, girls camps, and student council camps, but I think RYLA was the most impactful experience that I've ever had. It really just motivated me to pursue my dreams of doing humanitarian work and trying to change the world.

That's how I learned about the trip to Puerto Penasco, Mexico. Organized by the Rotary Club and working with Families Helping Families, it was a a seven day trip that I will never forget. We stayed in Phoenix on our way there and back but while we were in Mexico we stayed at the Las Palmas Resort in Puerto Penasco. (side note, the N in Penasco is supposed to have a squiggly accent over it but I don't know how to do that on my lap top) 

We would go into town every day around 7 am and work on our three different homes until we met our goal for the day. Some days we worked until 6:30 or some days 1:30 in the afternoon. There was four bus loads of us and each day a bus would leave the work site early and go visit a different school. Visitng the school may have been one of the best parts. The children danced and sang for us and we were able to give them toys and supplies. Then we split up into groups to do more activities with the kids. I got to paint their faces and I really think I had more fun than they did. They were just so sweet and full of love. I honestly don't know how to describe this light that they had in them. We had such a hard time leaving the school.

After a long day of work we would go back to our gorgey hotel rooms and relax on the beach, in the hot tub, or sometimes run straight into the ocean. The water was always warm, even at ten at night. The way the sky would blend into the calm water was seriously magical. Star gazing in the ocean? Uh huh. And TONS of sea shells. It was every mermaid's dream. While it was so fun to enjoy the beautiful place we were staying at, a little piece of me felt guilty inside. We were building in this neighborhood where people had absolutely nothing and then we would go back to these nice condos. It definitely made me appreciate my own bed a lot more.

One day I made friends with a mother who would be recieving one of the homes ( I can't remember her name) along with her darling son Garrett. We sat down in one of the houses to eat our lunch and while I quickly dug into my fish tacos (btw fish tacos are my new weakness) I looked over to see her giving a prayer of thanks over her food. Small moments like that really touched me.

Mexico was a wonderful experience. The best part overall was the people. Not only the people that we were serving but the kids who were on the trip. I loved being surrounded by people who have similiar ambitions as me, who to help others and make a difference. It showed me that I have more to be grateful for than I could ever imagine. It showed me that it's the simple things that can bring the most joy. Whether it was sharing a fruit leather or a game of soccer, these kids didn't need much to be happy. I wish that I could be more like them. Their family and their faith are the most important things they have.

If you have been paying any attention to the news or looked at the sky recently you know that there have been so many fires taking away not only the land, but the homes of so many families. I was out and about yesterday and I couldn't believe how much ash was all over my car, the drive way, and everything else. It gave me such a heavy heart to think that people's homes were in the same condition, if not worse. So my heart and my prayers are with all those affected by these fires. I have been trying to think of something more that I can do to help so if any of you have ideas or are already doing something, please let me know!

Last but not least I hope you are all having the summer of your dreams. For some fabulous advice on what to do with yourself this summer visit 

I have found a few new summer loves. To share a few...

- The Vampire Diaries #TeamStefan all the way. If you have Netflix and nothing to do, there you go.

- Yogurtland. I have been there 4 out the past 5 days. It's a fro yo shop across the street from the University Mall for all you Happy Valley goers. If you don't live in Utah County then I hope you can find something close enough. Frozen yogurt is above all else in my book.

- Tumblr. I personally don't keep up on my own very well but if you're ever laying in bed with nothing to do, I suggest creating your own or checking out two of my favorite accounts!

- Thrift store shopping! I have gone twice this week. Sorry not sorry but I love D.I. and Savers. It's so fun to find cool clothes that nobody else will have for a good price! My mom doesn't always approve of what I bring home but, oh well :)

- If you're needing some good beats to jam to on your next road trip or your Sunday afternoon drives..
  • I and Love and You, The Avett Brothers
  • Anything by M83  
  • To Build a Home, The Cinematic Orchestra
  • I Only See You, Benton Paul
  • Ships In The Night, Mat Kearney
  • Les Miserables Soundtrack (newsflash: they're making a movie)
  • Young Blood, Birdy
  • Sunshine, Matisyahu
  • Hurt Me Tomorrow, K'naan
I assume you've all heard most of them. But those are my favs!

Keep it real lovers! Don't take the whole YOLO thing to seriously and use proper grammar in your tweets and texts!

