Monday, November 26, 2012


“You know, sometimes all you need is 20 seconds of insane courage. Just literally 20 seconds of just embarrassing bravery. And I promise you, something great will come of it.”

Yep. Sometimes you put yourself out there and get nothing in return. Hash tag WHAT WAS I THINKING.

You feel awkward, embarrassed, and you feel a whole ton of regret. But, you can't change what has happened. SO... You hate yourself for an hour or so and then YOU GET OVER IT.

Life is full of disappointments, but with out those moments, you wouldn't appreciate all the great things that happen to you.

Things go your way? You're happy? HASH TAG WINNING.

If something doesn't work out the way you planned, you learn something. HASH TAG STILL WINNING.

Life is a win-win situation.

You learn and you lose and you gain something from everything you go through.

Plus, all the awkward and dumb stuff you do make for the best stories right?

So don't get down on yourself if you don't get the job, you don't get the boy or girl, or you look like a total idiot sometimes. 

If worse comes to worse turn on some Ke$ha, go get weird with your best friends, eat tons of gummy candies and dance it all off.




Tuesday, November 20, 2012

First Things First

Good morning babez.

I had one of those late nights last night and things got real deep via telephone with one of my best friends Debora Figueroa (18, gorgeous, Argentine and one of the greatest people on the planet). We were talking about boys (are you surprised? You shouldn't be).

We were talking about how sometimes it can be SO HARD sometimes (okay like all of the time) when the person you like doesn't like you back. Don't judge us, you feel the same way too! No matter how many BFF pep talks you have or Pinterest quotes you come across, it's hard to be happy when that guy or girl isn't crushing back. You compare yourself to their crush, to their ex, or to other friends who are happily "in like" with somebody. You tell yourself that you can't be happy or that you'll be #foreveralone (hello most used hash tag ever, you need to STOP).


Want to know how? Keep reading.

Focus on others. Nobody wants to be with somebody who is complaining about how hard their life is because they don't have a boyf and how much Netflix they watch by themselves. We are all feeling lonely, after a while doesn't it get old feeling sad for yourself? Go cheer somebody else up and soon you'll be smiling too! Pinky swear.

It's what's on the inside that counts. No matter how big your biceps or how long your lashes are, nobody wants to date a crummy person. Focus on developing Christ-like qualities and striving to do better! The more beautiful you are on the inside, the more beautiful you will be on the outside. We all should know that by now.

Don't be so hard on yourself. This is the most important one, for me at least. Perfection isn't going to happen in this life. You can't read your scriptures, say your prayers, get good grades, have a perfect bod and be dating the person from your dreams. Some day that will happen, it's possible. But it's not going to happen over night. Don't be dissapointed in yourself if you don't have all of those things or any of those things at all. Strive towards being your best self and take it day by day, everything else will follow. 

You deserve the best. You deserve to be happy! You deserve to use smiley face emojis to your hearts content. You deserve to jump around your room and do a funny little dance to the beat of your heart for no reason at all. You deserve to sing to your favorite band at the top of your lungs on your way home from work and not care about a thing in the world. You deserve to feel great about yourself. Don't let the lack of a BF/BF let you feel otherwise.

So don't wait around for some boy to magically call you up while eating your weight in yogurt and listening to Pandora on a weekend (guilty). He will come along but you have to be going down that road to begin with.


Be the kind of person you want to meet.

Make yourself happy and love yourself FIRST and others will come second. Find yourself first. Have faith in yourself first. And some day someone will come along, and they will be just what you have been waiting for. It probably won't be tomorrow. It might not be this month, it might not even be this winter. But it will happen. AND IT WILL ROCK OKAY?

So keep your heads, hearts, and spirits high. Good things are in store for you!



Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Hill Seeker

Life isn't perfect. Life isn't easy. Life isn't fair.
These are things that we hear everyday. People say them like they are bad, but they don't have to be!

The other day my Mom sent me this quote...

Isn't that beautiful? Shout to moms for always knowing what to say and when to say it. Or text it. (sup technology)


I love that.

Imagine life without hills. Roller coasters. Mountains. Drives up the canyon. Sledding.

Hills are all around us and all inside each of us.

Don't be afraid of things going wrong or not going perfectly. The hills are what make all the inside jokes and the good journal entries, right?

It's the overtimes, the burnt cookies and the flat tires. It's the buzzer shots and the hair cuts that go totally wrong. It's the awkward conversation with your crush, or the conversation that doesn't happen at all.

It's your sister borrowing your shirt and stretching it out. It's the last half hour in the car where you almost pee your pants. It's the burning in your lungs after a sprint that seemed impossible.

It's the days when you wake up and you wish you could run away from life. It's feeling left out and not included. It's the loss of a friend or family member. It's the broken heart that makes you want to stay in bed for weeks.

All trials big or small are BLESSINGS IN DISGUISE.

Heavenly Father wouldn't let us go through loss or pain if it wasn't to make us stronger and increase our faith. He cares about the big and scary decisions in our lives such as college, where to live, or what career we choose. He also cares about the things that we think nobody else cares about. You know what I'm talking about.

Whether you've lost a football game or an election for the President of the United States, you'll come over your hill. Things will seem better and the dissapointment and sadness will leave.


Embrace the challenges and everything that life has in store for you. When faced with a challenge tell yourself you can do it, get out of bed and face the day with faith. Know that there's rainbows and down hills and rewards on the other side of the hill.


