Saturday, February 25, 2012

it's been a while

Good evening bloggerz! Or should I say good morning since it's now past midnight.

Anyways this is my first post on my blog! It is less exciting than I thought it'd be but oh well. I was inspired to make a blog when I started read this charming blog by a girl that lives down in St. George named Lexi. p.s. her blog website is I recommend you look it up :) Lexi if you ever read this know that I'm now a blogger because of you girl! So here we go!

I'd like to dedicate this post to the sweet boy who took me on a date tonight. The last date I went on, I was the one who asked and even then it was a while ago! So it was very nice to finally go out with a nice boy. His name is Colton and I've only talked to him about 5 times even thought we have three classes together. It has been a while since I've gone on a date with someone besides one of  my best friends so it was fun to get to know someone new! Plus he took me bowling (I LOVE BOWLING) and he was a good conversationalist (major points for him) AND we watched Star Wars (my inner nerd was really in love at this point). So it was a great night!

To all of you reading this -I know that is probably nobody since I just started this thing- ask somebody new on a date! Who cares what other people say or think about them or if they aren't in your group of friends! You never know what new friends you'll gain if you don't! Plus I found out he hasn't ever had frozen yogurt which is ridiculous so now we have another reason to do something! He also hasn't been to the ocean which makes me want to cry for him... Anyways! This was fun. I hope everyone has had the pleasure of going on a date as nice as I did tonight. You all probably have because seriously, I'm only sixteen so my dates are few in number, for now :)


{P.S. please don't judge me for how lame my page looks, I promise it will freshen up in the near future, I've only had this things for like 20 minutes, remember?}

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