Sunday, February 26, 2012

the church is true!

Happy Sunday everyone. On a scale of 1 to 10 this Sunday was a solid 11!

Yes, it is possible to have that good of a day on the sabbath. What made is so good was the lovely people I spent it with. Me and one of my home girls Brooke went and watched our dear friend McKay give a talk in his ward. He kept checking his phone WHILE he was giving his talk, he was timing himself  :) It was funny because it was way obvious. Then us three went to my house for food. We had a way to close call with my mom who was baking in her garments when we walked in the door but no one saw anything, phew! After eating we went to a fare well of a good friend of ours...

Now I have to back up a little bit. When we were at McKay's ward the CUTEST missionary gave a talk. He was from Wales. He had a sexy accent. He had perfect teeth. AND he plays rugby. So of course every girl in the chapel is absolutely smitten with this fine elder. When we go to this fare well of ours guess who shows up and sits down behind us????? The cute missionary! I'm almost positive that was Heavenly Father telling us that we were meant to be together for time and all eternity, right? After that meeting we dropped McKay off and Brooke came to Sunday School with me. (three different churches today, we went hard!) Our teacher taught his lesson by having us decipher all these 1's and 0's using the binary number system. We all got different messages and the topic was how little things make a big diff in our lives and stuff. Then we joined with the sisters for Relief Society and that was good as usual because they all laugh at  things they think are funny which to us teeny boppers aren't funny at all. So we laugh along with them and everyone feels the spirit and usually somebody bakes something delicious.

You're probably wondering why I'm giving you this play by play of my day of rest and I'll tell you why! I realized after going to all these different meetings with these different people that the gospel is true now matter how you teach or say it! It is all the same! If you are those tender little deacons singing a capella in the fare well, the sweet older sister sharing her experiences from her mish with her husband, or my Sunday School teacher using the binary number system... It is all true and it is all wonderful! I hope that if you are not a member of the church or if the gospel is hard for you to listen to at sometimes that you will find a way that is interesting for you! If you need any ideas let me know, I'd love to share :)

Hoper everyone has a beautiful week. Let me know if you see that cute elder around town!



P.S. There is this new boy in my ward who will remain nameless for the time being and we talked today! He is taller than me, super nice, and HELLO everytime I see him he is in church clothes! That also contributed to my beautiful day :)

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