Thursday, March 1, 2012

the winter SLUMP

Good evening beauties! So, if you live in northern Utah you'd know that mother nature has ripped us a new one with this vicious snow storm we just had! And if you are in school (which I sure hope you are, unless you're like a stay at home mom or something) then you know what a SLUMP everyone has been in lately! If you are anything like me than you just want to sleep by the fire place all day while your imaginary boy friend brings you hot chocolate. Even more than that you are craving SUMMER!

So... I have come up with some ways to get you all out of this "seasonal depression" that I'm sure we have all diagnosed ourselves with :)

-Go work out! For heavens sakes! Have you ever gone on a run or to the gym and went home regretting it? I don't think so! So grab your yoga mats and go reward yourself with a nice work out. P.S. Me mum is a yoga teacher 6 times a week so you can bet your bottom I've been hittin that up!

-Treat yo self girl! (if you have ever seen Parks and Recreation, feel free to crack up at my allusion to Tom Haverford) Go and buy something that you might not necessarily need but it's cute or on sale or you just want to buy something! Everytime I get a pay check I take at least $5-10 of that and buy myself a new belt, nail polish, or whatever I'm feelin :)

I bought this belt from Forever 21 a while back and can I say it is my new best friend! And it was 5 bucks!

-Take a ROAD TRIP! A few weekends ago me and two of my best girls Deb and Sadie went down to the promised land of ST. GEORGE :) We did whatever we wanted, ate whatever, slept whenever and it was HEAVEN! Also, St. G has the cutest long haired boys I ever did see so if that appeals to you, you might wanna hop on I-15 sometime soon ;)

-Get a spray tan! What's that? You have never been tanning? Gosh well me neither so don't feel bad. But if you are sick of your Edward Cullen, pasty white, winter skin then grab a friend and hit the tanning beds. It is for sure going on my to-do list!

-Ombre your hair :) This is such a beautiful way to get some new color in your hair, especially if you don't want to dye your whole head! I did this a few months ago and I absolutely love it!

-Make a new friend! Okay I know that this one sounds lame but for realz ladies, you always go to lunch and hang out with the SAME PEOPLE ALL THE TIME! So why don't you talk to that cool person you follow on Twitter or that girl from basketball that you were teammates with but never really hung out a ton (you know who I'm talking about) and go do something! I promise you won't be sorry :)

-Give yourself a break. Yes. I know you have been waiting for somebody to say this to you for a long time, you're welcome. Take a day off of work. Don't worry about your 4 chemistry assignments and 6 article analysises (I don't know how to spell that...)! Go write in your journal, get some frozen yogurt, have a music downloading sesh, or my personal favorite: TAKE A NAP! 

-Paint your nails :) Yes this is simple but who doesn't love looking down at their hand and seeing a nice paint job? I know I do! I recently painted my nails a neon yellow which is pretty darn edgey, I know. But it added a lot of color to my normal winter wear!

-Paint your room! I don't know how it is at your crib but at the Warnock house all the walls are the same color. Except in all the kid's rooms we each have a wall painted. Mine is painted the most beautiful blue and last week we painted my sister's a light purple! The new splash of color will make you happier everytime you go into your room and it gives you a great excuse to re-decorate!

-READ A BOOK. I'm hoping that besides reading my fascinating blog, your Twitter feed, Facebook timeline, ect. that you have picked up a good book recently. Books can do wonderful things to your soul! When it is shizzy weather outside (don't be offended that I said shizzy, that is really the closest I ever get to swearing) go get a book and start reading! Not a magazine, but a hard back book. If you don't know what to read, let me help you with a few of my all time favorites :) 
           1. The Hunger Games (if you don't know what that is just go ahead and check it out from the library, you'll thank me later)
           2. Harry Potter. no explanation needed :)
           3. The scriptures! Whoot whoot! That is right! I would like to tell you all that I read every night but I don't. But, everytime I pick up my BOM I always feel so much closer to my Heavenly Father after doing so.
           4. Anything by Dorothy Keddington! She writes some goooood romance my friends. And by good I mean give you butterflies and make you think about a cute boy, not anything naughty.

-My personal favorite so far... EAT HEALTHY :) :) Two of my fav gals pals and I have gone on a little sugar free spree, sorta. ha ha We are cuttin it down to 1 treat/dessert a week. All of you babes reading this are probably think "Puullease that is so easy." But you don't know what goes down in my kitchen when I get home from work. So yes. It has been 4 days and I am doing very well. If you'd like to join us, we are calling it NO MUNCHIES MARCH! :) pretty cute huh!

I hope that you all find some new way to brighten up your skies even if the snow is falling! Spring will be here soon my friends and imagine how gorgeous it is going to be from all the moisture! :)



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