Friday, March 2, 2012

YOLO & perfectionism

"YOLO Imma get a dolphin tattoo, a Lisa Frank dolphin tattoo!" "YOLO let's go ride our bikes off a cliff with pieces of card board taped to them and see if we can fly!" "YOLO I'm going to bring my own candy to my interview with the bishop!" "YOLO I have my friends phone, so I think I'll post something dumb from their Facebook profile! hahaha!"

YOLO. You Only Live Once. Unless your in the Cullen clan, then you're going to be around forever. Or if you are a cat...

So what really is this whole YOLO thing about? Because I believe in something wonderful called the Plan of Salvation and according to that, I can live forever with my family and my Heavenly Father. But as of late a whole bunch of people are just realizing that they don't have multiple lives so they are off doing a bunch of crazy shiz.

How I see the YOLO thing is as SUCH. It is that you only have one chance to live each and every day, so you should make it the best! Every person you meet deserves your best self. There's so much nasty stuff out there and I know sometimes it is hard to be positive. I'm not saying that you have to be all Dapper Dan and cheery all the time, because people will try to kill you if you're always like that... Well for example: Even if you just got 49% on a test or the new kid at work backed into your car, Ronald (both recently happened to me) that is no excuse to not be your best self. If you find that you can't control your frustration enough to be nice to somebody then go take a nap or something because nothing is worse than being treated like trash!


 "...with no thought of any reward." I LOVE THAT because guess what? Even if you don't expect it, you will get a reward! I'm a strong believer in what goes around, comes around. Karma is a BEE STING so if you're going to take out your bad day on some random person, then don't expect anything good from that! And this ties back into the YOLO thing (you were probably wondering when that was going to happen) because everyday is a new start to treat yourself and others better than the day before.

Today is March 2nd and I honestly can't say that I tried my best today. But tomorrow is March 3rd, a new day and I'll "YOLO" it up all over again and probably make even more mistakes than today and that is alright!! If you're not really catching my drift, (and it's okay if you aren't because I'm not really following myself right now either) just know that you should live each day to the fullest. The things you are going to remember is the way you treated people and the way they made you feel.

Another thing that I need to remind you all is to REMIND YOURSELF IT'S OKAY NOT TO BE PERFECT. And by perfect, I mean the skinny, toned, bleached, tanned perfection that the media makes us think is perfect. So do yourself a favor and love yourself for all of your flaws. Because YOUR FLAWS = PERFECTION. I could name a long long list of stuff I'd like to change about myself and so could the rest of you. How many times have your Young Women leaders and mothers have told you this stuff that I'm telling you right now? A whole bunch! You should probably start listening to them :) My sophomore year of high school, I was so concerned about what I was wearing, where I was eating, who I was standing by at the football games and all that dumb stuff. This year I have let go and just been myself! I have stopped worrying so much about what others think. I've been more of a free spirit and it has made me so happy. I suggest you give it a try.

 We spend our lives on the treadmills and in the salons trying to become perfect like the people that we read about in the magazines. WHY ARE WE DOING THIS? We've all seen that Dove beauty commercial where they show us how fake advertisements are. We all were created perfectly beautiful! Every single one of us! I also believe that exercising should be a way of rewarding our body with endorphins because we love them, and not because of the crap we have eaten that day. We should be trying to improve ourselves, not change ourselves. Another thing? We need to make other people feel like they are perfect as well. If you can't love somebody for their imperfections, how can you expect them to love themselves?

Well I'm done preaching now. I'm not even sure that everything I just said made a whole lot of sense. But it flows pretty well in my head... Be happy my friends! YOLO it up (in a the best way possible) and treat others with luv :) Treat yourself with love!

 Also... I saw this today and I really liked it because it explains my current crush right now. Don't feel bad for me, this is how it is all the time :)

If any of you ever need help stalking your crush, hit me up! Don't be creeped out that I'm telling you this but stalking a crush can be pretty fun! haha



1 comment:

  1. Ella this post is absolutely brilliant. I love your train of thought.
