Monday, March 12, 2012

shadow days are over!

buenos dias! it's 12:58 AM and i'm not even that tired! no, it's not because of the time change, you can all stop blaming your problems on that :) because really, it's just one little hour. so don't sweat it! anyways, it's probably because i have one o clock church and i like to get out of bed at uh 12:40 :) but i should probably still be exhausted because i worked for NiNe HoUrS (excuse me for the crazy typing, that was my inner 7th grade girl comin out right there). yes, that is nine hours of cleaning and detailing cars at Wiggy Wash.

if you don't live in south Utah county, then let me tell you what Wiggy Wash is! It's basically the bombest car wash you've ever seen (in south Utah county, north Utah county has Super Sonic...... our competition). and i work in the shop cleaning the insides of the cars, doing carpet shampoos and waxes and what not! and it is tiring let me tell ya! but on friday this NICEST lady ever pulled her car in and got out this bag of home made chocolate chip cookies and gave them to all of us employees! it was like Christmas or something! it made my day, i really love people like that.

Okay. Now I am going to stop being lazy and use proper capitalization.

 Lately I have just been at outright BUM. What is a bum? Well in my book it is defined as: a girl or boy who is being lazy, disrespectful, unkind, not supportive, sarcastic, negative, inconsiderate, has no motivation, maybe eats a lot of junk food... Like if you are talking to your BFF Gina and you tell her how upset you are that they split up your Sunday School class so now you only have half your friends to talk to during the lesson (hint: that happened to me today. #grrr) and she is like checking Twitter and not even listening. Then you would say "Gina! My goodness, stop being such a BUM and listen to me please."

What I'm trying to say is that lately I have not been making an effort to be my best self. And I know that sounds weird and kinda cheesy but really that is how I feel. All I want to do these days is go through my old yearbooks and make fun of how everybody looked back then and eat bowls and bowls of mint chocolate chip ice cream and some Caddbury eggs... I don't want to excercise, do my homework, get ready for school, or anything really! So I HAVEN'T and it is not good! This week is the end of the term and my grades look like crap, I feel like crap from eating junk food and not excercising much, and my life is pretty much at 4 on a scale of 1-10.

So. My shadow days are over, bring on the sunshine! I am going to start making an effort to BE A BETTER ME!! :) I'm just going to take it bit by bit and day by day and start improving my life! I'm going to start eating healthier. Ya'll are thinking "girl, please, what did you have a muffin for breakfast?" no. i had a sweetroll. and for lunch. and for dinner. and some ice cream. I just LOVE desserts, sue me!!! haha I'm going to make a bigger effort to be on time to things. If you actually know me in real lifes then you know I'm really late to everything. (except work) But really I used to be like 45 minutes late to first period every day. But now I have 7.5 hours of detention to serve and it is the end of the term so I've learned my lesson, thank you very much :) And I could give you more examples of my imperfections but that wouldn't be good now, would it?

What I will do is challenge all of you to take a quick look at your lives and think of something that might be bringing you down, or making you unhappy and MAKE A CHANGE! Start skipping that second dessert, going to bed a little bed earlier so you can wake up on time, and it really will make you happier! If I can do these things, than SO CAN YOU. Honestly, you deserve to be your best self and so do the people around you!

Challenge numero dos is to look at all of your BLESSINGS :) I really don't need to expand on this more, do I? Nope, I didn't think so :)

good night & good morning



p.s. Shadow Days by John Mayer = partial inspiration for this post. great song!

i love skulls and feathers so this was made for me!

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