Monday, March 19, 2012

by the contents of her purse

People say that you can tell alot about a woman by the contents of her purse. Well, if you looked in my purse, I'm not sure what'd you would be able to tell about me. It's pretty boring. I have lotion, headphones, my book of lists, pens/pencils, For the Strength of Youth Pamphlet (durrr), my wallet, and some bracelets and rings (incase I don't have time to accessorize before school). But really that doesn't say much about me. Since you are taking the time out of your day to read ma blog, I figured I'd tell you some things about me that you might not know just from looking at me, or in my purse. Also, looking in a girls purse without asking is a big NO NO.

I'm 16 so I did 16 things about myself. Cute huh!

1. I'm obsessed with making lists. Lists of things I want to do, places I want to eat, and other things that I think about. Everytime I get tired in seminary, I make a list. But of course it should be somewhat inviting of the spirit so I always just make a list of things that I want in my future husband! :) :) :) :) Yeah I know, it's like I'm 12 years old or something...

2. One of my worst fears in life is hitting an animal with my car. Or killing somebody with my car. Because I once totaled my car and ended up in a field and I was THIS CLOSE to hitting a horse (I LOVE HORSES) and I don't even wanna think about what I'd do if I hit an animal or a person!

3. I'm a fool when it comes to dancing. I danced for ten years and then stopped but I still love to get my groove on every day. Seriously don't be surprised if you look over and see me dancing at some point in the day. I've once strained my neck and pulled a muscle in my arm at a stomp, but I don't regret it.

4. I used to live in Salt Lake City and I lived in my dream home practically. We had this massive yard with tons of trees, ivy growing in places, a raspberry patch, a huge driveway. I could go on for a really long time...

5. Roadtrip? I'm totally down! I love being in the car, I love driving cars, I love seeing other people driving, I love stopping at gas stations. Yeah, it's cray. I love it so much! My favorite place to road trip? St. George (Promised Land) because it's only 3 hours away. It's perfect!

6. I have a very strange obsession with Amelia Earheart. I would elaborate more on this but I actually don't even know that much about her... So I should probably get on that. Hmmm... 

7. Writing letters is one of my favorite things! I love writing random notes and letters to people and either giving it to them in person or mailing it to them. I have a best friend named Alyssa who lives in Salt Lake and we write eachother sometimes. The person I write to the most is my dear uncle Wade who is in prison in Oregon. I write him about every month! And seriously ten minutes ago my sister brought me a letter from him. YAY. So if you're ever feeling lonely, let me know and we will write eachother. No, I'm not writing a missionary... yet ;)

8. I'm going to change the world. I know that every teenage girl is like "Ohmigosh I'm going to be the next Oprah and I'm going to eat organic and I'm going to adopt every baby in the world." But for reals, I'm determined to have a positive impact on this world! I am currently getting ready to go to Puerto Venasco, Mexico in June and build houses! Super exciting!

9. When I talk to people, I try my best to look them straight in the eyes. Well unless you're a super cute then I might get nervous and look around at something. When I do this I better remember what they say and the conversation just seems more sincere to both people. Take a swing at it if you don't do this already okay!

10. Another thing that I absolutely adore is BABY HUSKIES :) :) Good heavens they are the cutest domestic creatures to roam this good earth. Dang. Yeah they're super cute. End of story.

11. When I was in the 7th grade I wrote a poem about 9-11 and entered it in a poetry contest and won! They were going to publish it, but I didn't turn the paperwork in ontime so it never happened. I've always been really sad about that...

12. My favorite thing to do? Make people happy. Whether it is giving somebody a ride, taking them to lunch, getting them ready for a dance, or even just smiling at them, I LOVE seeing people feel good about themselves. When I focuse on other people and their happiness I find that it's not hard for me to be happy! Try it sometime okay?

13. Every night before I go to bed I french braid my hair. It just feels good to have my hair like that but there is no way I'm wearing it like that in public.

14. My dream job (it changes sometimes) is to work for National Geographic as a journalist. I would get to travel around the world, connect with a lot of different people, and experience different cultures. Plus, I could most likely wear my hair in french braids and nobody would ever really care because I'd be in the jungle or something.

15. Since we are talking about dreams, my number one goal is to get married in the temple. Nothing less, no expceptions, no settling for this cowgirl! #together4ever

16. I think that it'd be super amazing to make a mural. When I grow up, I am going to paint murals ALL OVER the place. On my garage door, in my shower, on the ceilings. I wouldn't go to crazy but seriously all you need is a couple buckets of paint and wallaaaa!!!!

I hope that you have been absolutely fascinated by learning more about me. It's been a true pleasure. I also hope that you've all had a wonderful day. I feel like people just give themselves a free pass to have a bad day, JUST because it's Monday. Or it's Saturday so you have to work more, nope can't be happy today. Or it's Wednesday and it's right in the middle so I for sure can't be happy today. People always have something to complain about, unless it's Friday or something. BE HAPPY OKAY???? There is something wonderful about every day, go and find it!



p.s. My new jamzzz? Brokenhearted by Karmin and What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction :) so good. oh and Mumford & Sons has been treating me real well these days.

This is me and some beautiful friends in St. Geezy this past weekend!
I'm dying because I didn't buy that hat, but I'm getting it next time I go down!

Classic teenage Mormon girl type of list... there is a lot of these.

I totally have summer fever right now and I'm
dying for this swim suit :)

1 comment:

  1. Love this list! Oh and Ella is one of my all time favorite girl names :)
