Thursday, March 1, 2012

30 reasons why I want a BOYFRIEND

That's right. I'm posting for the SECOND TIME tonight :) And you can count your blessings because what I'm about to tell you right now is some real good words! Alright, alright. So today I was in class and to no surprise, I wasn't feeling like I wanted to learn. (okay, that really makes me sound like a total slacker. I seriously love learning, and I enjoy going to school. But I also enjoy beating my own drum and sometimes school really interferes with that...) Anyways, I enjoy making lists of things. Every night I write two lists: the first of things that have to be done before school and the second of things to do during the day. The list I made in class is absolutely MY FAVORITE list I have ever made :)

**Boys, please take notes. Girls, enjoy!**


1. To wipe the snow off my windows (sometimes I really just don't have the patience for that)

2. Drive my car for me in this crappy weather! (especially in the river bottoms)

3. Work on my homework with me, mostly it would be math and chemistry...

4. So we can kiss in the snow! Honestly kissing in the quietly falling snow is WAY hotter than the rain! I wouldn't really know, but...

5. To watch funny videos on YouTube together.

6. We would eat hot chocolate and cookies together in my kitchen :)

7. I could tweet indirect cute things about him like 1/3 of the people I follow.

8. Star gazing. nuff said!

9. On the weekends, he could come pick me up from work and then we could go watch movies.

10. Someone to go snowboarding with, and then once the snow is all gone then he will teach me how to long board! Yes!

11. HELLO! Snuggling by the fire! (a must have for this chilly winter season)

12. Go to sports games together.


14. He can show me new good music to listen to!

15. Like, it'd be really cool if he randomly picked me up and we just went for a drive...

16. I can teach him to play some songs on the piano! aw yeah!

17. If I were to get cold, he would totes be giving me his jacket :)

18. I could change his name in my phone to BOYFRIEND ( how cute is that??)

19. Maybe I would go over to his house and we would sit in his kitchen and talk to his parents and it wouldn't even be weird! maybe...

20. So I could write cute things in my journal about him... I don't even have anything good to write these days... Mostly I just write about how bad my grades are and how cute I think boys are that aren't even my boyfriend and that doesn't sound as fun, does it?

21. I'd change my FB profile picture to a way cute picture of us and everyone would like it. Literally. ha.

22. We'd go to Macey's and eat ice cream :)

23. Okay for reals I have always wanted a boy to play with my hair (then again, every girl has)!

24. We can go on runs together. This really depends on how in shape I am. Right now I'm on a 7.2 out of 10 on a scale of fitness?

25. He'd help me practice doing my back flip off of the trampoline!

26. We'd make up a SWEET handshake.

27. So that we can have a Harry Potter movie marathon and watch all of them in one weekend! say what!?

28. Inside jokes. those are always nice :)

29. If one of us gets sick, the other person would bring them the frozen yogurt or Sonic drink of their choice!

30. He would open doors for me and take my coat :) durrrrr... #chivalry
P.S. don't freak out that I just used a hash tag somewhere other than Twitter, cause I will hash tag what ever I want :)

Well there you have it :) That is some reasons why I'd enjoy havin myself a man. And I'm not one of those girls who just sits there and pouts cause they are single. Honestly I am only 16.5 years old so it's not like I need one or anything. I'm not really that bitter or anything. But making that list was fun! I hope if you have a boyfriend, that you aren't a snitch and you treat him with some real love :) If you are a boy, I hope you seriously treat your girl with respect!! peace and blessings to all the single ladies out there okay!



P.S. NEW MUSIC DOWNLOAD OF THE DAY :) "Catch Me" by Demi Lovato


  1. Love this!! And your whole blog for that matter! Your posts are so relatable! Keep writing!
