Monday, March 5, 2012

ice cream = inspiration

HELLO EVERYONE! I am SO happy right now! I'm not even sure why! Part of it is that I just had cookies and cream AND cookie dough ice cream with milk over it. An even bigger reason of it is that I'm blogging right now and watching Parks and Recreation (probably the greatest show ever since Drake and Josh in my opinion) and I'm not doing my AP Lang homework! Yeah I know that the end of the term is in two weeks and I have 3 B's, a C and two A-'s... but mission impossible (getting a 4.0) can wait til later because I want to tell you all what is on my mind tonight!

So... Speaking of Parks and Recreation. Tonight on the episode I was watching, Andy Dwire and April Ludgate randomly got married at this dinner party that they had for all of their friends. And when they were about to start all of the dancing Andy gets the microphone and says "I know this wasn't really well planned... But life is short and you should really do what makes you happy."

BOOM. While I was eating my ice cream it came to me. I decided that even though I've probably heard that phrase a billion times it really just hit me. If I want to do something, I should just do it! For heaven's sakes! I am a teenager who doesn't have to pay any bills, my parents help me pay for gas, and my mom buys me super cute clothes. I have such a good life and for realz sometimes I waste it... okay sometimes I waste it watching T.V. just like I'm doing right now. But anyways it really made me think that I need to live life more freely and just do whatever I love, even if people think it is dorky or nerdy! (by the way I have so much energy right now that I keep typing everything incorrectly and then I have to erase it and re type it haha)

Have you ever been talking with your group of friends and you think of something super awesome to do and you're all like "Oh my gosh! Okay like let's seriously do that! Yeah like I'd totally get work off for that. Let's seriously plan that okay!" And you all go home talking about how fun it'd be to do that one cool thing. Then you go back to school the next day and all plans of said fun activity are out the window. Well that is lame okay. And I just realized that I say okay alot sometimes. But really. Wouldn't you love to finally check that one thing off your bucket list? I'd like to give you all a short but memory filled list of things that I really wanted to do and I ACTUALLY DID THEM :) They probably don't seem like a big deal to you but they were pretty amazing for me. Maybe this will inspire some of you?

-skinny dipping. not the least bit ashamed.

-spontaneous road trip slash weekend stay in St. George with ma girlz!

-jumping off the Salem Pond bridge past curfew on the last night of summer... that's all the details I'm going to give on that one :)

-dying a random red streak in my hurrrr

-pulled over my car on the side of the road and yelled at all of my friends to get out and start dancing. which they did. (it was a test, they all passed)

-asked this boy who I hadn't talked to in 8 months to a dance! (truth be known I had a crush on him for a while, so it was kinda scary for me)

-jumping out of a window in Mr. Lewis' class, it was the ninth grade...

-currently in the proccess of planning a trip to FLORIDA with two of my best friends! Hello beach. Hello Disney World. Hello HARRY POTTER WORLD.

-sneaking out at student council camp, hopping over a balcony and sliding down a roof to plank a four story parking garage

I really hope that all of you start doing whatever you want. I'm not saying that you should do something super stupid or not do any of your homework. But when you have an impulse, act on it! Once I get the idea of doing someting in my head, it doesn't go away ever. So I have to do it or I know I'll regret it. Whether it is buying that super cool T-shirt with 7 different wolves on it (my fav shirt now), eating all 4 ice creams because you can't choose, or jumping off a bridge because a drunk guy is paying you to do it (that really happened)... Just do it okay? I promise it will make you so much happier! Don't wait til it's summer to be "young, wild, and free" or until you are 18. I love you all! Make something happen in your lives okay!



P.S. I just found out that my favorite professional surfer/celebrity crush Clay Marzo might have a love interest. He tweeted about having dinner with "his girl" tonight... So if any of you know of other good looking pro athletes for me to crush on, please leave a comment.

warning: don't take this post as a free ticket on the crazy train of sluffing class, acting out, and being a total idiot.

1 comment:

  1. lol you've done your share of crazy things, and i LOVE LOVE LOVE ice cream so i completely understand how it inspires you :)
