Wednesday, April 18, 2012


It has been a long time since I last blogged. To be perfectly honest I was having an extreme lack of inspiration. But then I started going to the gym again and for some reason all the crazy cats at the gym never cease to inspire me. 

Okay. So, you know how in high school there is that one girl that is freaky good at basketball? And everyone just knows that ballin it up is her "thing". And there's that supa cute kid that can play the piano and sing and when he gets up on stage for the talent show you know it's about to get real because performing is his "thing". So everyone just has their "thing" that they are really good at, ya know? Well, I don't really think have one... And that kinda bums me out sometimes. 

I've been decent at sports, I'm some what artistic, I get pretty good grades. But, I have never excelled in one area in particular. In fact I haven't made the cut for three different sports teams, three years in a row of never making student council (but I was like really WEIRD in junior high so now that I look back on it, I probably wouldn't have voted for me either...) and applied for several jobs that I haven't been hired for. The list could go on.

I don't tell you those things so you'll feel bad for me. I share them with you so I can tell you THIS:
"You can't be the best at everything. You might not be the best at anything. But you can be your best self. And that is enough." 
Really? Yes. It sounds like something your mom might tell you five thousand times over but it is so true! This year when I didn't make the basketball team, I thought that all hope was lost for me. But really it turned out to be the biggest blessing in disguise! I now have a job that I love and I know that I didn't make the team for a reason. Yeah a huge part of the reason was that I didn't come to any opens gyms and I was slow as a turtle at the time, but that is besides the point. So I beg you all to just be your best self and I promise that everything else will fall into place! :)

Something else that has really struck me lately is how BLESSED I am. Especially when it comes to friends. I have the truest friends in the world. Literally I am surrounded by angels in my life, and most of them probably don't realize how much they mean to me. If you are reading this, then you are my friend and I love you :) For realz you guys.

I hope that you all remember that the most important things in life are not things. And if you are feeling lame because you don't have a "thing" don't worry because you fill find it eventually! Do what you love, love what you do. Remember to smile at everybody and tell people how much you appreciate them.

<3 <3


I'm dying to find headbands like this and wear them this summer!

1 comment:

  1. Bella Ella darling I would just like to let you know that you are so amazing! Your special talent is being an inspiration to everyone around you! You treat everyone with the respect that people should be treated with, you have the most caring heart in the world, and you just have this aura around you that makes everyone love you! You are a special girl L, don't ever forget that! :)
