Wednesday, May 9, 2012

I love people.

The other night, laying in bed after I imagined several sequences with me and Zac Efron walking along the beach... I got thinking about all the wonderful people that are in my life. And I was thinking about what makes them so wonderful. Then I tweeted a few of them. Then I decided to blog about it. Spoiler Alert. If you follow me on twitter then you might recognize a few of these. I can only get so creative so... #SorryNotSorry

I love people that get really excited when they see you! Nothing is sweeter than having someone call out your name or run to say hello to you when you're out and about. Love it.

I love people who know how to accept a compliment. "Oh uh whatever I look so ugly!" Is getting really old. Be polite and just say thank you. As my lovely friend Meg Cabell once said "Just take the dang compliment or I'll take it back!" So true.

I love people that don't try to steal the spotlight from others. Like if somebody scores a goal in soccer and everyone is celebrating, don't be the person that is like "That was sick bro! Even better was that pass I gave you! Oh man!" Ya stop that.

I love people that are gracious. Simple as that. A sincere thank you goes a LONG way in my book. Writing thank you notes? Super classy.

I love people that say that they will do something and they keep their word. People that make things happen! Isn't it wonderful when you actually go to lunch with that random friend you made a promise to?  So let's all make things happen this summer, aiiiight?

I love people who are happy for other people. They don't get envious or jealous when their friends are successful. I promise you the phrase "I'm so proud of you!" will lift your spirits so much more than "Like, I just thought I was gonna make it ya know?" Think about it.

I love people that don't have to be loud or crazy to get your attention. They just radiate from within and that is what draws you to them. The number one person I think of when I say this is my beautiful friend Jamie. She is always serving other people and focusing on others. That's one of the reasons why we all love her, right? She isn't showing off to get attention. She is just herself. She's so awesome.

I love people that look you in the eyes when they talk to you. Especially boys..

I love people that are so amazing and wonderful yet they have no idea. They just go about their business and you can't help but sit there and be like whoah you're an angel. And when you compliment them on it they are just so suprised? I'm sure we can all think of someone.

I love people that engage in conversation with others. At a party they don't just pull out their phones and check Instagram for the 5th time, they go up to someone and talk with them! Notice I said WITH and not TO. There is a difference.

I love people that save you a seat without you asking them to. So nice.

I love people that love a good snow cone. I think it'd be nice to open up a snow cone place that was year round. Indoors, hundreds of flavors, cool chairs from Ikea. Ya dig?

I love people that call you on the phone. Texting is a blast. And by blast I mean it's super lame. But a quick call is so much more FUN than a text. *Cue Call Me Maybe music!! :)

I love people that let you cut in front of them on the road. Or the person that slows down so that you can merge onto the road. Also, people that slow down for pedestrians! It's random and kinda dumb but I was always that nervous person trying to cross the street to the library. My heart goes out to all you tender hearted, bike riding, fifteen year old girls.

I love people that call me El. Some people spell it L, El, or my mamma calls me Elle. Some of you call me Bella or Bella Ella because of my twitter name. I like that too.

I was going to make a list of "I don't love people that..." But that's pretty rude. I think we focus to much on what we hate about people and not enough on the lovelyness inside them. I wish you all the best as we embrace this new season of summer! (If you're still in high school like me, it's only 3 more weeks guys!!!!)
Let's make it the best yet?



Hey also, if you haven't listen to Utah native band IMAGINE DRAGONS then do so now please. Aaaand ladies! As prom season is coming to a close here, modest is hottes okay? Keep it classy.

Try to tell me this didn't make you happy.

I know the mustache jokes are getting old but come on.
That's a good uni right there.

"If I was your boyfriend..."

This video was made by students from Lone Peak High School.
The song is Montana by Youth Lagoon. Idk but I just love it so much.
I love the kid's mustache and his girlfriend's shoes and hair. I love
everything in this video. Check it out.

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