Monday, January 21, 2013


How long does it take for a person to change their life?

Is there a right answer to this question?

Maybe it's the three years it takes to go through high school that a person's life is truly changed?

The two years that you choose to serve a mission?

Or is it the three hours you spend in church on Sunday?

I don't think it's any of these things. I think it's in the seconds, in the moments that fill up these hours.

The smile that you give to a random person in class. The fifteen seconds it takes to pull your car over and ask a stranger if they want a ride. The thirty cents that you decide to drop in the change jar after getting your breakfast burrito.

The hand that you reach for, even though it makes you extremely nervous. The time you say no to something that you want but you shouldn't have.

I think that you can change your life every second. Every 60 seconds a new minute starts. A whole sixty seconds to do something different. A minute to look outside yourself and maybe even change someone else's life.

Don't wait for Sunday or New Year's or making a horrible mistake to change your life.

One person's actions have the power to change the universe.

Martin Luther King Jr. once said,

"The time is always right to do what is right."

MLK didn't wait for someone else to make a change. He changed his country, he changed his life, and he gave his life.

If you wait for the right time to change your life, it will never come. You're not going to find that moment anywhere.

So do it today. Whatever it is you're wanting to pursue, or create or leave behind. Today can be the day that you change your life.



1 comment:

  1. Hey Ella:) My name is Madi Mansfield! My great friend Kira Johnson told me to look up your blog! Can I just say spectacular?! You are amazing, and everything you write is spectacular! I know your words have already made a difference in my life! Keep up the great work:) <3
