Monday, January 28, 2013

Sometimes I can't sleep at night.

Not because of Twitter or Instagram or music.

Sometimes I just lay there and think.

Not about my mistakes or over thinking what happened that day.

I think about my future.

Changing the world, graduating high school. (In no particular order)

Going to college, leaving the country, serving a mission.

Getting a college degree, meeting my husband, getting married in the temple.

What I might be most excited for, next to getting married, is to be a mother.

Having kids.
Painting their bedroom walls, eating Popsicles on the back porch with them.

Rubbing their backs when they lay their head on my lap in church.

Watching my husband coach their city league sports games and sitting on a blanket in the grass cheering way to loudly.

Making pillow forts in the basement and leaving them there so we can nap in them after church on Sunday. Going to the zoo and walking around for hours covered in sunscreen and animal smells. Singing them songs at night and then waiting in the kitchen because I know they'll want another drink of water before they can sleep.

Waking up and saying prayers and eating oatmeal. Doing homework and driving carpools and doing all of the messy things. Painting pictures and staining our new shirts because we forgot aprons.

No matter what titles, positions, or degrees I get in this life.. I honestly can't express how exciting and humbling I imagine it to be called "mommy". To bring spirits into this world and raise them and love them just sounds magical, am I right?

And this probably sounds goofy because this won't be happening for another ten years. But I'm still excited. They say that high school is the best time of your life, I don't believe that. I think that the best time of your life will be when you've found the love of your life and you're raising kids you didn't think was possible to love any more.

I hope that I can live my life worthy enough to raise Heavenly Father's children. And to teach them the gospel, and to watch them grow up and make a difference in our world. I think that sounds like happiness.



P.S. I moved my blog from Blogger to a Wordpress. FINALLY. So here is the new adress to my blog. Same posts and everything! So go and follow! Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. There is NOTHING I think about more than my future children. They are the loves of my life and I don't even know who they are yet. I truly believe there is no greater joy than raising children in the gospel with a faithful husband by your side. Lovveeee this post, Ella girl. You're so great. :)
