Monday, March 19, 2012

by the contents of her purse

People say that you can tell alot about a woman by the contents of her purse. Well, if you looked in my purse, I'm not sure what'd you would be able to tell about me. It's pretty boring. I have lotion, headphones, my book of lists, pens/pencils, For the Strength of Youth Pamphlet (durrr), my wallet, and some bracelets and rings (incase I don't have time to accessorize before school). But really that doesn't say much about me. Since you are taking the time out of your day to read ma blog, I figured I'd tell you some things about me that you might not know just from looking at me, or in my purse. Also, looking in a girls purse without asking is a big NO NO.

I'm 16 so I did 16 things about myself. Cute huh!

1. I'm obsessed with making lists. Lists of things I want to do, places I want to eat, and other things that I think about. Everytime I get tired in seminary, I make a list. But of course it should be somewhat inviting of the spirit so I always just make a list of things that I want in my future husband! :) :) :) :) Yeah I know, it's like I'm 12 years old or something...

2. One of my worst fears in life is hitting an animal with my car. Or killing somebody with my car. Because I once totaled my car and ended up in a field and I was THIS CLOSE to hitting a horse (I LOVE HORSES) and I don't even wanna think about what I'd do if I hit an animal or a person!

3. I'm a fool when it comes to dancing. I danced for ten years and then stopped but I still love to get my groove on every day. Seriously don't be surprised if you look over and see me dancing at some point in the day. I've once strained my neck and pulled a muscle in my arm at a stomp, but I don't regret it.

4. I used to live in Salt Lake City and I lived in my dream home practically. We had this massive yard with tons of trees, ivy growing in places, a raspberry patch, a huge driveway. I could go on for a really long time...

5. Roadtrip? I'm totally down! I love being in the car, I love driving cars, I love seeing other people driving, I love stopping at gas stations. Yeah, it's cray. I love it so much! My favorite place to road trip? St. George (Promised Land) because it's only 3 hours away. It's perfect!

6. I have a very strange obsession with Amelia Earheart. I would elaborate more on this but I actually don't even know that much about her... So I should probably get on that. Hmmm... 

7. Writing letters is one of my favorite things! I love writing random notes and letters to people and either giving it to them in person or mailing it to them. I have a best friend named Alyssa who lives in Salt Lake and we write eachother sometimes. The person I write to the most is my dear uncle Wade who is in prison in Oregon. I write him about every month! And seriously ten minutes ago my sister brought me a letter from him. YAY. So if you're ever feeling lonely, let me know and we will write eachother. No, I'm not writing a missionary... yet ;)

8. I'm going to change the world. I know that every teenage girl is like "Ohmigosh I'm going to be the next Oprah and I'm going to eat organic and I'm going to adopt every baby in the world." But for reals, I'm determined to have a positive impact on this world! I am currently getting ready to go to Puerto Venasco, Mexico in June and build houses! Super exciting!

9. When I talk to people, I try my best to look them straight in the eyes. Well unless you're a super cute then I might get nervous and look around at something. When I do this I better remember what they say and the conversation just seems more sincere to both people. Take a swing at it if you don't do this already okay!

10. Another thing that I absolutely adore is BABY HUSKIES :) :) Good heavens they are the cutest domestic creatures to roam this good earth. Dang. Yeah they're super cute. End of story.

11. When I was in the 7th grade I wrote a poem about 9-11 and entered it in a poetry contest and won! They were going to publish it, but I didn't turn the paperwork in ontime so it never happened. I've always been really sad about that...

12. My favorite thing to do? Make people happy. Whether it is giving somebody a ride, taking them to lunch, getting them ready for a dance, or even just smiling at them, I LOVE seeing people feel good about themselves. When I focuse on other people and their happiness I find that it's not hard for me to be happy! Try it sometime okay?

13. Every night before I go to bed I french braid my hair. It just feels good to have my hair like that but there is no way I'm wearing it like that in public.

14. My dream job (it changes sometimes) is to work for National Geographic as a journalist. I would get to travel around the world, connect with a lot of different people, and experience different cultures. Plus, I could most likely wear my hair in french braids and nobody would ever really care because I'd be in the jungle or something.

15. Since we are talking about dreams, my number one goal is to get married in the temple. Nothing less, no expceptions, no settling for this cowgirl! #together4ever

16. I think that it'd be super amazing to make a mural. When I grow up, I am going to paint murals ALL OVER the place. On my garage door, in my shower, on the ceilings. I wouldn't go to crazy but seriously all you need is a couple buckets of paint and wallaaaa!!!!

I hope that you have been absolutely fascinated by learning more about me. It's been a true pleasure. I also hope that you've all had a wonderful day. I feel like people just give themselves a free pass to have a bad day, JUST because it's Monday. Or it's Saturday so you have to work more, nope can't be happy today. Or it's Wednesday and it's right in the middle so I for sure can't be happy today. People always have something to complain about, unless it's Friday or something. BE HAPPY OKAY???? There is something wonderful about every day, go and find it!



p.s. My new jamzzz? Brokenhearted by Karmin and What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction :) so good. oh and Mumford & Sons has been treating me real well these days.

This is me and some beautiful friends in St. Geezy this past weekend!
I'm dying because I didn't buy that hat, but I'm getting it next time I go down!

Classic teenage Mormon girl type of list... there is a lot of these.

I totally have summer fever right now and I'm
dying for this swim suit :)

Monday, March 12, 2012

shadow days are over!

buenos dias! it's 12:58 AM and i'm not even that tired! no, it's not because of the time change, you can all stop blaming your problems on that :) because really, it's just one little hour. so don't sweat it! anyways, it's probably because i have one o clock church and i like to get out of bed at uh 12:40 :) but i should probably still be exhausted because i worked for NiNe HoUrS (excuse me for the crazy typing, that was my inner 7th grade girl comin out right there). yes, that is nine hours of cleaning and detailing cars at Wiggy Wash.

if you don't live in south Utah county, then let me tell you what Wiggy Wash is! It's basically the bombest car wash you've ever seen (in south Utah county, north Utah county has Super Sonic...... our competition). and i work in the shop cleaning the insides of the cars, doing carpet shampoos and waxes and what not! and it is tiring let me tell ya! but on friday this NICEST lady ever pulled her car in and got out this bag of home made chocolate chip cookies and gave them to all of us employees! it was like Christmas or something! it made my day, i really love people like that.

Okay. Now I am going to stop being lazy and use proper capitalization.

 Lately I have just been at outright BUM. What is a bum? Well in my book it is defined as: a girl or boy who is being lazy, disrespectful, unkind, not supportive, sarcastic, negative, inconsiderate, has no motivation, maybe eats a lot of junk food... Like if you are talking to your BFF Gina and you tell her how upset you are that they split up your Sunday School class so now you only have half your friends to talk to during the lesson (hint: that happened to me today. #grrr) and she is like checking Twitter and not even listening. Then you would say "Gina! My goodness, stop being such a BUM and listen to me please."

What I'm trying to say is that lately I have not been making an effort to be my best self. And I know that sounds weird and kinda cheesy but really that is how I feel. All I want to do these days is go through my old yearbooks and make fun of how everybody looked back then and eat bowls and bowls of mint chocolate chip ice cream and some Caddbury eggs... I don't want to excercise, do my homework, get ready for school, or anything really! So I HAVEN'T and it is not good! This week is the end of the term and my grades look like crap, I feel like crap from eating junk food and not excercising much, and my life is pretty much at 4 on a scale of 1-10.

So. My shadow days are over, bring on the sunshine! I am going to start making an effort to BE A BETTER ME!! :) I'm just going to take it bit by bit and day by day and start improving my life! I'm going to start eating healthier. Ya'll are thinking "girl, please, what did you have a muffin for breakfast?" no. i had a sweetroll. and for lunch. and for dinner. and some ice cream. I just LOVE desserts, sue me!!! haha I'm going to make a bigger effort to be on time to things. If you actually know me in real lifes then you know I'm really late to everything. (except work) But really I used to be like 45 minutes late to first period every day. But now I have 7.5 hours of detention to serve and it is the end of the term so I've learned my lesson, thank you very much :) And I could give you more examples of my imperfections but that wouldn't be good now, would it?

What I will do is challenge all of you to take a quick look at your lives and think of something that might be bringing you down, or making you unhappy and MAKE A CHANGE! Start skipping that second dessert, going to bed a little bed earlier so you can wake up on time, and it really will make you happier! If I can do these things, than SO CAN YOU. Honestly, you deserve to be your best self and so do the people around you!

Challenge numero dos is to look at all of your BLESSINGS :) I really don't need to expand on this more, do I? Nope, I didn't think so :)

good night & good morning



p.s. Shadow Days by John Mayer = partial inspiration for this post. great song!

i love skulls and feathers so this was made for me!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Stop Kony

I'll just keep this short and sweet. PLEASE watch this video. These beautiful children need our help :)

Monday, March 5, 2012

ice cream = inspiration

HELLO EVERYONE! I am SO happy right now! I'm not even sure why! Part of it is that I just had cookies and cream AND cookie dough ice cream with milk over it. An even bigger reason of it is that I'm blogging right now and watching Parks and Recreation (probably the greatest show ever since Drake and Josh in my opinion) and I'm not doing my AP Lang homework! Yeah I know that the end of the term is in two weeks and I have 3 B's, a C and two A-'s... but mission impossible (getting a 4.0) can wait til later because I want to tell you all what is on my mind tonight!

So... Speaking of Parks and Recreation. Tonight on the episode I was watching, Andy Dwire and April Ludgate randomly got married at this dinner party that they had for all of their friends. And when they were about to start all of the dancing Andy gets the microphone and says "I know this wasn't really well planned... But life is short and you should really do what makes you happy."

BOOM. While I was eating my ice cream it came to me. I decided that even though I've probably heard that phrase a billion times it really just hit me. If I want to do something, I should just do it! For heaven's sakes! I am a teenager who doesn't have to pay any bills, my parents help me pay for gas, and my mom buys me super cute clothes. I have such a good life and for realz sometimes I waste it... okay sometimes I waste it watching T.V. just like I'm doing right now. But anyways it really made me think that I need to live life more freely and just do whatever I love, even if people think it is dorky or nerdy! (by the way I have so much energy right now that I keep typing everything incorrectly and then I have to erase it and re type it haha)

Have you ever been talking with your group of friends and you think of something super awesome to do and you're all like "Oh my gosh! Okay like let's seriously do that! Yeah like I'd totally get work off for that. Let's seriously plan that okay!" And you all go home talking about how fun it'd be to do that one cool thing. Then you go back to school the next day and all plans of said fun activity are out the window. Well that is lame okay. And I just realized that I say okay alot sometimes. But really. Wouldn't you love to finally check that one thing off your bucket list? I'd like to give you all a short but memory filled list of things that I really wanted to do and I ACTUALLY DID THEM :) They probably don't seem like a big deal to you but they were pretty amazing for me. Maybe this will inspire some of you?

-skinny dipping. not the least bit ashamed.

-spontaneous road trip slash weekend stay in St. George with ma girlz!

-jumping off the Salem Pond bridge past curfew on the last night of summer... that's all the details I'm going to give on that one :)

-dying a random red streak in my hurrrr

-pulled over my car on the side of the road and yelled at all of my friends to get out and start dancing. which they did. (it was a test, they all passed)

-asked this boy who I hadn't talked to in 8 months to a dance! (truth be known I had a crush on him for a while, so it was kinda scary for me)

-jumping out of a window in Mr. Lewis' class, it was the ninth grade...

-currently in the proccess of planning a trip to FLORIDA with two of my best friends! Hello beach. Hello Disney World. Hello HARRY POTTER WORLD.

-sneaking out at student council camp, hopping over a balcony and sliding down a roof to plank a four story parking garage

I really hope that all of you start doing whatever you want. I'm not saying that you should do something super stupid or not do any of your homework. But when you have an impulse, act on it! Once I get the idea of doing someting in my head, it doesn't go away ever. So I have to do it or I know I'll regret it. Whether it is buying that super cool T-shirt with 7 different wolves on it (my fav shirt now), eating all 4 ice creams because you can't choose, or jumping off a bridge because a drunk guy is paying you to do it (that really happened)... Just do it okay? I promise it will make you so much happier! Don't wait til it's summer to be "young, wild, and free" or until you are 18. I love you all! Make something happen in your lives okay!



P.S. I just found out that my favorite professional surfer/celebrity crush Clay Marzo might have a love interest. He tweeted about having dinner with "his girl" tonight... So if any of you know of other good looking pro athletes for me to crush on, please leave a comment.

warning: don't take this post as a free ticket on the crazy train of sluffing class, acting out, and being a total idiot.

Friday, March 2, 2012

YOLO & perfectionism

"YOLO Imma get a dolphin tattoo, a Lisa Frank dolphin tattoo!" "YOLO let's go ride our bikes off a cliff with pieces of card board taped to them and see if we can fly!" "YOLO I'm going to bring my own candy to my interview with the bishop!" "YOLO I have my friends phone, so I think I'll post something dumb from their Facebook profile! hahaha!"

YOLO. You Only Live Once. Unless your in the Cullen clan, then you're going to be around forever. Or if you are a cat...

So what really is this whole YOLO thing about? Because I believe in something wonderful called the Plan of Salvation and according to that, I can live forever with my family and my Heavenly Father. But as of late a whole bunch of people are just realizing that they don't have multiple lives so they are off doing a bunch of crazy shiz.

How I see the YOLO thing is as SUCH. It is that you only have one chance to live each and every day, so you should make it the best! Every person you meet deserves your best self. There's so much nasty stuff out there and I know sometimes it is hard to be positive. I'm not saying that you have to be all Dapper Dan and cheery all the time, because people will try to kill you if you're always like that... Well for example: Even if you just got 49% on a test or the new kid at work backed into your car, Ronald (both recently happened to me) that is no excuse to not be your best self. If you find that you can't control your frustration enough to be nice to somebody then go take a nap or something because nothing is worse than being treated like trash!


 "...with no thought of any reward." I LOVE THAT because guess what? Even if you don't expect it, you will get a reward! I'm a strong believer in what goes around, comes around. Karma is a BEE STING so if you're going to take out your bad day on some random person, then don't expect anything good from that! And this ties back into the YOLO thing (you were probably wondering when that was going to happen) because everyday is a new start to treat yourself and others better than the day before.

Today is March 2nd and I honestly can't say that I tried my best today. But tomorrow is March 3rd, a new day and I'll "YOLO" it up all over again and probably make even more mistakes than today and that is alright!! If you're not really catching my drift, (and it's okay if you aren't because I'm not really following myself right now either) just know that you should live each day to the fullest. The things you are going to remember is the way you treated people and the way they made you feel.

Another thing that I need to remind you all is to REMIND YOURSELF IT'S OKAY NOT TO BE PERFECT. And by perfect, I mean the skinny, toned, bleached, tanned perfection that the media makes us think is perfect. So do yourself a favor and love yourself for all of your flaws. Because YOUR FLAWS = PERFECTION. I could name a long long list of stuff I'd like to change about myself and so could the rest of you. How many times have your Young Women leaders and mothers have told you this stuff that I'm telling you right now? A whole bunch! You should probably start listening to them :) My sophomore year of high school, I was so concerned about what I was wearing, where I was eating, who I was standing by at the football games and all that dumb stuff. This year I have let go and just been myself! I have stopped worrying so much about what others think. I've been more of a free spirit and it has made me so happy. I suggest you give it a try.

 We spend our lives on the treadmills and in the salons trying to become perfect like the people that we read about in the magazines. WHY ARE WE DOING THIS? We've all seen that Dove beauty commercial where they show us how fake advertisements are. We all were created perfectly beautiful! Every single one of us! I also believe that exercising should be a way of rewarding our body with endorphins because we love them, and not because of the crap we have eaten that day. We should be trying to improve ourselves, not change ourselves. Another thing? We need to make other people feel like they are perfect as well. If you can't love somebody for their imperfections, how can you expect them to love themselves?

Well I'm done preaching now. I'm not even sure that everything I just said made a whole lot of sense. But it flows pretty well in my head... Be happy my friends! YOLO it up (in a the best way possible) and treat others with luv :) Treat yourself with love!

 Also... I saw this today and I really liked it because it explains my current crush right now. Don't feel bad for me, this is how it is all the time :)

If any of you ever need help stalking your crush, hit me up! Don't be creeped out that I'm telling you this but stalking a crush can be pretty fun! haha



Thursday, March 1, 2012

30 reasons why I want a BOYFRIEND

That's right. I'm posting for the SECOND TIME tonight :) And you can count your blessings because what I'm about to tell you right now is some real good words! Alright, alright. So today I was in class and to no surprise, I wasn't feeling like I wanted to learn. (okay, that really makes me sound like a total slacker. I seriously love learning, and I enjoy going to school. But I also enjoy beating my own drum and sometimes school really interferes with that...) Anyways, I enjoy making lists of things. Every night I write two lists: the first of things that have to be done before school and the second of things to do during the day. The list I made in class is absolutely MY FAVORITE list I have ever made :)

**Boys, please take notes. Girls, enjoy!**


1. To wipe the snow off my windows (sometimes I really just don't have the patience for that)

2. Drive my car for me in this crappy weather! (especially in the river bottoms)

3. Work on my homework with me, mostly it would be math and chemistry...

4. So we can kiss in the snow! Honestly kissing in the quietly falling snow is WAY hotter than the rain! I wouldn't really know, but...

5. To watch funny videos on YouTube together.

6. We would eat hot chocolate and cookies together in my kitchen :)

7. I could tweet indirect cute things about him like 1/3 of the people I follow.

8. Star gazing. nuff said!

9. On the weekends, he could come pick me up from work and then we could go watch movies.

10. Someone to go snowboarding with, and then once the snow is all gone then he will teach me how to long board! Yes!

11. HELLO! Snuggling by the fire! (a must have for this chilly winter season)

12. Go to sports games together.


14. He can show me new good music to listen to!

15. Like, it'd be really cool if he randomly picked me up and we just went for a drive...

16. I can teach him to play some songs on the piano! aw yeah!

17. If I were to get cold, he would totes be giving me his jacket :)

18. I could change his name in my phone to BOYFRIEND ( how cute is that??)

19. Maybe I would go over to his house and we would sit in his kitchen and talk to his parents and it wouldn't even be weird! maybe...

20. So I could write cute things in my journal about him... I don't even have anything good to write these days... Mostly I just write about how bad my grades are and how cute I think boys are that aren't even my boyfriend and that doesn't sound as fun, does it?

21. I'd change my FB profile picture to a way cute picture of us and everyone would like it. Literally. ha.

22. We'd go to Macey's and eat ice cream :)

23. Okay for reals I have always wanted a boy to play with my hair (then again, every girl has)!

24. We can go on runs together. This really depends on how in shape I am. Right now I'm on a 7.2 out of 10 on a scale of fitness?

25. He'd help me practice doing my back flip off of the trampoline!

26. We'd make up a SWEET handshake.

27. So that we can have a Harry Potter movie marathon and watch all of them in one weekend! say what!?

28. Inside jokes. those are always nice :)

29. If one of us gets sick, the other person would bring them the frozen yogurt or Sonic drink of their choice!

30. He would open doors for me and take my coat :) durrrrr... #chivalry
P.S. don't freak out that I just used a hash tag somewhere other than Twitter, cause I will hash tag what ever I want :)

Well there you have it :) That is some reasons why I'd enjoy havin myself a man. And I'm not one of those girls who just sits there and pouts cause they are single. Honestly I am only 16.5 years old so it's not like I need one or anything. I'm not really that bitter or anything. But making that list was fun! I hope if you have a boyfriend, that you aren't a snitch and you treat him with some real love :) If you are a boy, I hope you seriously treat your girl with respect!! peace and blessings to all the single ladies out there okay!



P.S. NEW MUSIC DOWNLOAD OF THE DAY :) "Catch Me" by Demi Lovato

the winter SLUMP

Good evening beauties! So, if you live in northern Utah you'd know that mother nature has ripped us a new one with this vicious snow storm we just had! And if you are in school (which I sure hope you are, unless you're like a stay at home mom or something) then you know what a SLUMP everyone has been in lately! If you are anything like me than you just want to sleep by the fire place all day while your imaginary boy friend brings you hot chocolate. Even more than that you are craving SUMMER!

So... I have come up with some ways to get you all out of this "seasonal depression" that I'm sure we have all diagnosed ourselves with :)

-Go work out! For heavens sakes! Have you ever gone on a run or to the gym and went home regretting it? I don't think so! So grab your yoga mats and go reward yourself with a nice work out. P.S. Me mum is a yoga teacher 6 times a week so you can bet your bottom I've been hittin that up!

-Treat yo self girl! (if you have ever seen Parks and Recreation, feel free to crack up at my allusion to Tom Haverford) Go and buy something that you might not necessarily need but it's cute or on sale or you just want to buy something! Everytime I get a pay check I take at least $5-10 of that and buy myself a new belt, nail polish, or whatever I'm feelin :)

I bought this belt from Forever 21 a while back and can I say it is my new best friend! And it was 5 bucks!

-Take a ROAD TRIP! A few weekends ago me and two of my best girls Deb and Sadie went down to the promised land of ST. GEORGE :) We did whatever we wanted, ate whatever, slept whenever and it was HEAVEN! Also, St. G has the cutest long haired boys I ever did see so if that appeals to you, you might wanna hop on I-15 sometime soon ;)

-Get a spray tan! What's that? You have never been tanning? Gosh well me neither so don't feel bad. But if you are sick of your Edward Cullen, pasty white, winter skin then grab a friend and hit the tanning beds. It is for sure going on my to-do list!

-Ombre your hair :) This is such a beautiful way to get some new color in your hair, especially if you don't want to dye your whole head! I did this a few months ago and I absolutely love it!

-Make a new friend! Okay I know that this one sounds lame but for realz ladies, you always go to lunch and hang out with the SAME PEOPLE ALL THE TIME! So why don't you talk to that cool person you follow on Twitter or that girl from basketball that you were teammates with but never really hung out a ton (you know who I'm talking about) and go do something! I promise you won't be sorry :)

-Give yourself a break. Yes. I know you have been waiting for somebody to say this to you for a long time, you're welcome. Take a day off of work. Don't worry about your 4 chemistry assignments and 6 article analysises (I don't know how to spell that...)! Go write in your journal, get some frozen yogurt, have a music downloading sesh, or my personal favorite: TAKE A NAP! 

-Paint your nails :) Yes this is simple but who doesn't love looking down at their hand and seeing a nice paint job? I know I do! I recently painted my nails a neon yellow which is pretty darn edgey, I know. But it added a lot of color to my normal winter wear!

-Paint your room! I don't know how it is at your crib but at the Warnock house all the walls are the same color. Except in all the kid's rooms we each have a wall painted. Mine is painted the most beautiful blue and last week we painted my sister's a light purple! The new splash of color will make you happier everytime you go into your room and it gives you a great excuse to re-decorate!

-READ A BOOK. I'm hoping that besides reading my fascinating blog, your Twitter feed, Facebook timeline, ect. that you have picked up a good book recently. Books can do wonderful things to your soul! When it is shizzy weather outside (don't be offended that I said shizzy, that is really the closest I ever get to swearing) go get a book and start reading! Not a magazine, but a hard back book. If you don't know what to read, let me help you with a few of my all time favorites :) 
           1. The Hunger Games (if you don't know what that is just go ahead and check it out from the library, you'll thank me later)
           2. Harry Potter. no explanation needed :)
           3. The scriptures! Whoot whoot! That is right! I would like to tell you all that I read every night but I don't. But, everytime I pick up my BOM I always feel so much closer to my Heavenly Father after doing so.
           4. Anything by Dorothy Keddington! She writes some goooood romance my friends. And by good I mean give you butterflies and make you think about a cute boy, not anything naughty.

-My personal favorite so far... EAT HEALTHY :) :) Two of my fav gals pals and I have gone on a little sugar free spree, sorta. ha ha We are cuttin it down to 1 treat/dessert a week. All of you babes reading this are probably think "Puullease that is so easy." But you don't know what goes down in my kitchen when I get home from work. So yes. It has been 4 days and I am doing very well. If you'd like to join us, we are calling it NO MUNCHIES MARCH! :) pretty cute huh!

I hope that you all find some new way to brighten up your skies even if the snow is falling! Spring will be here soon my friends and imagine how gorgeous it is going to be from all the moisture! :)

